Plato’s Theory of Politics in 5 Minutes

A quick and easy guide to Plato’s hypothetical “regency of the enlightened”

Dustin T. Cox
5 min readJun 18, 2022
Photo by Marco Oriolesi on Unsplash

Regardless of how you identify on the political spectrum, it’s safe to assume that we agree on at least one thing: there is little to admire in American political discourse these days.

Television political “analysis” is reductive at best, conspiracy theorist at worst — Tucker Carlson’s spurious claims that the 6 Jan. riots were an FBI plot are just the latest example.

Social media, too, is frequently a source of targeted political misinformation that has divided families and motivated deluded, self-flagellating loyalties to political demagogues.

Meanwhile, because the conversation is so fraught, 75% of US workers feel that the workplace should be kept free of political discussion.

Unfortunately, given the broad array of interests inherently common to US workers, political silence between them is a sure way to stifle many possibilities for grassroots resistance to the exploitative ambitions of the 1%.

It all begs the question: if we can’t even talk politics with each other, then how can we ever hope to harness our collective political power?

Fortunately, Plato is here to help



Dustin T. Cox

Owner/Editor of The Grammar Messiah. Personal Lord and Savior